Sunday, June 5, 2011

Handing Over the Reins

There is no better word to describe my life right now other than the term 'interim.' Defined as an "intervening time; interval; meantime," this noun perfectly summarizes my feelings about my day-to-day routine. I spend 4 to 5 days in Oklahoma City, and the rest of the week in Houston or whichever city I end up traveling to on the weekend. My role on my current project may last until November, or it could go until next July: only time will tell. 'Should I keep living at home and continue to save money, since I'm on the road so often?' I wonder often, 'Or is this just a temporary home, and I need to move out and establish my own place and create a sense of stability?' I also question which city I would like to live in. Is it Sydney, or perhaps Los Angeles? Maybe San Francisco? Or am I just daydreaming? Should I stay close to my family and friends in Houston? 

I imagine many other people feel similarly about their lives, questioning what their purpose is, if their job is a good fit, or if they need to look elsewhere for a more fulfilling position. I have this battle from time-to-time, but at other times, I seem to just float by, not bothering to question my current state of life. "It's all in God's hands," I tell myself. Of course, this is true, but am I just being passive, or am I honestly putting my faith in the Lord? I fear too often that it is the former, not the latter. 

I find that one of the most common inner conflicts with people nowadays is that of letting God take the reins in life. We are a society of control freaks, and I am guilty as charged. It is far too prevalent that we make plans according to our own desires, and forget to pray about the decisions we make. Proverbs 16:9 says, "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." I love this verse, because it serves as a reminder that while we make small choices, it is God who has the whole picture view of our lives, and it is important that we ask him to help us with our plan-making. Another Proverbs verse that speaks to consulting God in our prayers is in Chapter 3, verses 5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." 

My new prayer comes from James 4:14-15, which reads, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little, and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.'" I need to stop worrying about what I want my future to look like and need to refocus on what the Lord wants to do with my life. In the book of Luke, Jesus prays to God on the Mount of Olives, and says, "'Father, if you are wiling, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.'" (Luke 22:42) Every time I read this, I think to myself, 'What a beautiful prayer. How uncommon it is nowadays to ask God for His will to be done?' I know I am guilty of this, as my prayers sometimes sound like a checklist of requests for God. Emulating Jesus' prayer, I am reminded to ask God for His will to become my own.

God has wonderful plans for us, as promised in Jeremiah 29:11. It is the ultimate test of our trust in the Lord to take a leap of faith and do whatever you feel He is calling you to in life. Maybe that means packing up my things and moving right now, or staying put until God opens a new door for me here -- I cannot know right now. One thing is definite though, I will be more diligent in praying that God will help me to put all of my trust in Him, so that He may "make my paths straight." 

Lastly, my favorite worship song of the moment is sung by Chris Tomlin and is something I listen to every single day. This song is such a good reminder that we need God every second of every day, and I highly recommend you download it: "Lord I need You, oh I need You, every hour I need You. My one defense, my righteousness, oh God how I need You." However, since this song is not on YouTube, I can't link to it; therefore, I suggest you watch another of Chris' videos for "I Will Follow." It is very relevant to this post!

As always, I am praying for everyone who reads this. Send me an email or comment on the post if you want to talk more about this topic. 

In Jesus' name,